[Redbook2:96D][19770111:0000b]{Quote on Conscience}[11th
January 1977]
'There is a natural standing court within us, examining, acquitting,
and condemning at the tribunal of ourselves, wherein iniquities have
their natural thetas*, and no nocent** is absolved by the verdict of
himself. And although our transgressions shall be tried at the last
bar, the process need not be long; for the Judge of all knoweth all,
and every man will nakedly know himself; and when so few are like to
plead not guilty, the assize must soon have an end.'
Sir Thomas Browne
Christian morals, Vol IV, pp69,70
ed. Pickering
*(A theta inscribed upon the judge's tessara, or ballot, was a mark
for death, or capital condemnation.)
**(Judice nemo nocens absolvitur*** – Juv. Sat. XIII.2,3.)
(from Heard, Oddities of the Law)
guilty man is acquitted if judged by himself.]